Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Where to start?


Right.... first post. I'm going to start off with a cliche (oh dear...), I have no idea where to start! Next cliche: I'm going to tell you all about myself. I'm a 16 year old girl for the UK who has a tiny obsession with fashion. Also with photography (you can check out my photography site here: - oh yes, now you know my name! It's actually Katherine, if you're wondering, not that I've been called that in a long, long time). In a fantasy world, I'd become a fashion photographer or a fashion designer, but that will never happen. Actually, I'm hoping to become a pyschologist because I've learn not to get your hopes up for anything, and also, I can't sew... Other (maybe the first one is slightly crazy) things I like include, chickens and art (preferably Pre-Raphaelite), but not drawing it, I can't even draw a fly! More normal things I like include: spending time with friends, entertaining my two cats and 8 chickens, oh, and shopping.

Which brings me onto the subject of my blog! I love designer clothes, I'm sure most of you love designer clothes. But can you afford it? If you're like me, no, I won't even spend more that £30 on one item of clothing! I'm young, I don't work, I only have one bank account and no credit card, and plus, my Mum doesn't like me going mad with shopping (yawn). But I feel great once I've bought it, whether it's a new dress, or a pair of shoes, etc etc. I should point out that I never used to be interested in clothes. I used to hate shopping and my Mum bought my clothes in Tesco. I was a tomboy and only wore boys clothes, until I was about 14 when I had a bit more interest. From the age of 15, I could not get enough of shopping, and a year later, I'm still going! Ok, I've strayed a bit from my point, so.... This blog is about finding great items of clothing (maybe designer inspired) for less! I also love and adore vintage, so I'd probably end up talking about that quite a bit!

I'll leave you alone now!


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