Sunday, 1 August 2010

My wonderful (erm...) creation...

So, as promised, pictures of my interesting experiment...

I haven't ironed it yet - as you can tell - I only just finished it at 10:00 last night. I'm seriously going to learn how to machine sew; hand sewing takes up your life! But, it was fun, and I'd definitely go and buy another pattern. Maybe better material though - not many people wear curtain lining, haha!

Excuse dear mother's bedroom - it was the only room with good lighting! And excuse the mess - I was too lazy to crop it all out! Haha!
The front:

And the back:

Edit: Just realised that last picture looks a little unflattering on my behind, haha! Sorry about the blur - my brother isn't the best photographer, bless!


  1. WOW, you did that by hand? It's amazing! I love it. And I love the full skirt, not unflattering at all, you are very curvy =) What I love most about the dress is the scoop back. Beautiful!

  2. Thanks! I'm not actually very curvy at all - I just go straight up, haha - it's the picture and dress that makes me go out like that. Sometimes it looks like that at some angles, in others it looks straight. I wish I was a little curvy though, might be nice!

    I think I'm going to learn how to machine sew though. Will save so much time!!
