Thursday, 22 July 2010

Esther Boller - Fashion Designer

I discovered Esther’s blog - - via Lookbook a few months ago. I am so glad I did. From beautiful lace dresses to pretty vintage blouses, her work is what I’ve been searching for about two years since I became obsessed with 19th Century novels and the clothing they wore. She will also be opening her own shop on in a few months time, which I am very excited about! Esther kindly answered a few questions for the blog.

Who, or what, inspires you the most?

Esther: I get inspired by a lot of things. Movies are probably one of the biggest inspirations to me. I look at a character and think what she'd wear next or how I could make her style into something I’d wear. I get inspired by everything though, I never know when something will hit me next.

Do you follow trends on the catwalk or just experiment and make what you like?

Esther: I mainly just make whatever I feel like making. When I was younger I used to look at the catwalks all the time for ideas, but now I stay away from them and try to find my own design style.

What item of clothing would you most like to make next?

Esther: Well I just got a ton of fabric to make a 30s style dress so I’m really excited about working on that.

In a lot of your clothes, you take features from the 19th century (I.e. high necked collars) and make them more modern, more wearable. Is this something you recently included in your clothing, or have you always had a love for older clothes?

Esther: Well I just recently discovered a love for the older Victorian style dresses. It’s probably due to the Victorian movie watching marathon I had a while back. Haha, I just couldn’t get enough of them. So I tried to make them more my style and turn them into something I could wear.

Where and what would you most like to be doing in 10 years time?

Esther: Wow, I'll be 25...that's scary! Well I’d love to be somewhere in Europe or somewhere overcast most of the year where I can save a ton on sun block! I’d like to be working on building up my own fashion line. But really I just want to love whatever I’m doing, whether it be a fashion designer or a sassy toll booth operator, I want to be happy with my job.

Thanks, Esther! I wish you so much success in the future because you really deserve it! Check out Esther’s blog at - - if you haven’t already!

1 comment:

  1. I really admire Esther's photography. Keep up the good work!
